Index by Author for Issues 1 – 25

Aaron, PeterPOEMModeration
Aaron, PeterPOEMYour Guardian Angel
Able, RyanPOEMThe Hunter
Agodon, Kelli RussellPOEMBruschetta
Agodon, Kelli RussellPOEMThe Science of Beginning
Agran, RickPOEMBirding
Alexander, DavidPOEMIf the Girl Behind the Counterat the Subway Sandwich Shop Ran the World
Allan, Kelly LenoxPOEMRiverMap
Allan, Kelly LenoxPOEMStorm Surge
Allen, AricPOEMCold
Allen, AricPOEMI want to Tell You
Allen, AricPOEMImmunity
Alves, ElvisPOEMAnimal Farm
Alynn, JanePOEMHollywood Goodwill
Anderson, ChrisPOEMWe Who Move
Anderson, HollyPOEMRomance
Anderson, HollyPOEMTableau
Anderson, JohnPOEMSlow Growth
Anderson, KhadijaPOEMWaterslain
Annwn, DavidPOEMThe Kolgorov Manifest
Arcana, JudithPOEMA book, he said, should be a ball of light in the hand.
Arcana, JudithPOEMTaking Davey?s Pulse
Arcana, JudithPOEMThe poet sees the collage artist and thinks of Shakespeare's work
Arra, CatherinePOEMWhite Spaces
Ashton, SallyPOEMPsyche in Love
Athey, DavidPOEMMister Body and Miss Communication
Austen, ElizabethPOEMInsomniac Doggerel
Austen, ElizabethPOEMHouse Fire
Aylsworth, PeggyPOEMAgain, But New
Bacharach, DeborahPOEMThe Way Words Taste
Bacharach, DeborahPOEMApparently Empty Sky
Baggett, RebeccaPOEMElegy
Baker, KimPOEMLights Out on Lonely Street
Balcarcel, RebeccaPOEMBack Home During Drought
Balk, ChristiannePOEMShorthorns
Balk, ChristiannePOEMSnow Geese
Banas, KathyESSAYCo-editor's Notes
Banas, KathyPOEMThe Convening of Gardeners
Banas, KathyPOEMA Kind of Death
Banks, LeaPOEMThirty-three Days of Rain
Barclay, PaulPOEMPoem
Barksdale, JessicaPOEMImpossible Things
Barnes, HilaryPOEMFront Porch
Barry, JanetPOEMThe birds of the morning sing because they must
Barry, JanetPOEMDissolution?
Barry, JanetPOEMFish Heads
Barry, JanetPOEMMostly Cloudy
Bassen, L. S.POEMDark Flock
Bauer, BrandyPOEMLogan Circle, Washington, D.C.
Bauer, BrandyPOEMImagining Rota
Bauer, ErikaPOEMWaterfall
Bauer, GracePOEMThe New American Poetry: Cento For Donald Allen
Baugher, Janee J.POEMHotel Room, 1931
Baugher, Janee J.ESSAYLetter from the Editors
Baugher, Janee J.POEMLove as a Study of Energy and Matter
Baugher, Janee J.POEMPuberty, 1895
Becherer, LoriARTPhoto #2
Becherer, LoriARTPhoto #3
Becherer, LoriPOEMArterial Flow
Becherer, LoriARTPhoto #4
Beeson, KelleyPOEMUnbidden
Bellamy, C.A.POEMHorse
Benedict, Kate BernardettePOEMThe Old House
Benedict, Kate BernardettePOEMOff the Road
Bentley, SeanPOEMOutside Is as Usual
Bergmann, F.J.POEMDenial of Service
Bergmann, F.J.POEMKatabasis
Bernholc, AlissaPOEMCrenarchaeota (from The Other Kingdom)
Bernholc, AlissaPOEMSlime Molds (Myxomycota) from The Other Kingdom
Berry, Robert JamesPOEMGrowing
Berry, Robert JamesPOEMThe Craft
Bertolino, JamesPOEMMy Cathedral
Bertolino, JamesPOEMThe Instructions
Bett, StephenPOEMVapor Trail
Bishop, WendyPOEMFrybread Trilogy
Blader, BonniePOEMR.M.
Blaedel, Joan RossINDEXSee Joan Stuart Ross
Blair, MorganPOEMAn excerpt from "Mother"
blatt, JeffreyARTPoetry Ball Swing
Blazek, LarryPOEMArriving at the Hospital
Bolden, EmmaPOEMThis Is Not A Poem For You
Boudreaux, BeauPOEMSleep
Boyer, MargotPOEMWinter Vacation, Galena 1996
Braden, AllenPOEMThe Butchering
Braden, AllenPOEMRhubarb Baby
Bradley, JohnPOEMCloud Removal: Based on Actual Events
Bramkamp, Maura AliaPOEMWhen I was Thin
Bramkamp, Maura AliaPOEMLeah Speaks
Bramkamp, Maura AliaPOEMPieds a Terre
Bramkamp, Maura AliaPOEMTapping at the Hollywood Bar
Brand, GabriellaPOEMBack Home: Unemployed
Brand, GabriellaPOEMThe Wild Turkey Gang
Brandeis, GaylePOEMThe Frida Shirt
Briardy, PatPOEMCharacters on a Trading Desk Engulfed in Red Ink
Briccetti, KathyPOEMThe Strawberry
Briskin, EliPOEMHe asked while dating
Broadhead, HeidiPOEMTill Human Voices Wake Us, and We Drown
Brown, Donna MaePOEMResonance
Brumirski, DennisPOEMThe fireplace beat life into the house
Bull, CatherinePOEMYou Sit Down to Write
Burke, HelenArtWhitby 617
Burke, Tara SheaPOEMTest
Burnett, Charlene LoganPOEMNight Dogs
Burns, JohnPOEMPlanning for My Praise Poem
Cadnum, MichaelPOEMAfternoon on the Terrace, Via Del Corallo
Cain, LetitiaPOEMLove Poem for M
Campiglio, StephenPOEMWigwam Ave
Canipe, JoshPOEMPac-Man?s New Nose
Cantu, ChrisPOEMQuince
Cantu, ChrisESSAYEditor's Notes
Cantu, ChrisPOEMRearview Mirror
Cantu, ChrisPOEMWhat I'm Doing Here
Carr, Fern G. Z.ARTNear Rattlesnake Island
Carter, SharonPOEMGradual Improvement in Sight
Carter, SharonARTStalemate
Carter, SharonARTRain Forest
Carter, SharonARTNo Exit
Carter, SharonPOEMMussolini at the Buitoni Baci Factory
Carter, SharonPOEMLearning a new Language
Carter, SharonPOEMGrave Diggers
Carter, SharonARTFootprints
Carter, SharonARTCosta Verde
Carter, SharonARTBoy or Girl
Carter, SharonARTThe Heart Wants
Casey, CrystaPOEMThe Interrogation
Catlin, AlanPOEMVelvet Elvis?s Temple of Doom
Catone, AnnaPOEMFrom My Grandfather's Notebooks
Cauchy, HeatherPOEMLa Mer des Sargasses
Cavanaugh, SylviaPOEMMrs. Houdini, 1919
Cavanaugh, SylviaPOEMUnspoken
Cederberg, Julie S.POEMFrida
Chace, JoelPOEMBefore He Betrayed Her
Chadwick, KentPOEMBirds, Bees, and an Orange Tree
Chaffin, C. E.POEMFahrenheit 451 Revisited
Chaney, GaylaPOEMTracing the Face of the World
Chaney, GaylaPOEMReflecting on "What The Water Gave Me"
Chapman, RobinPOEMStepping Out of the Frame
Chapman, RobinPOEMBanff, Jan. 18
Chapman, RobinPOEMCosmology Cooking
Chapman, RobinPOEMChatter
Cherry, LauraPOEMFull Moon
Christianson, NorahPOEMDonut
Christianson, NorahPOEMGlorios, The Marigold!
Christianson, NorahPOEMUnder the Trees
Christina-MariePOEMFor Those Who Have Died
Cihlar, JamesPOEMThe Epic of Morley Safer
Cihlar, JamesPOEMQuadrants of the Body
Cihlar, LisaPOEMGood Dog
Cihlar, LisaPOEMAccording to the Rules We Made Up Yesterday
Clark, AntoniaPOEMRaynaud
Clark, RebeccaPOEMGravel, Mine
Clark, RebeccaPOEMHorse Ruminates
Clark, RebeccaPOEMMap
Clark, RebeccaPOEMNell Unveiled
Clarke, CarolineARTPlace of My Birth
Clarke, CarolineARTThe Printshop
Clarkson, Joanne M.POEMThe Weather Letters
Clear, T.POEMPlease Can We Talk About Rain?
Clear, T.POEMCloud Trouble
Cohlene, TerriPOEMSonora
Cohn, Lynne MeredithPOEMRecipe for a Good Life
Coleman, Allan DouglassPOEMElectra Poem 2
Coleman, Allan DouglassPOEMTasty Fries
Coleman, Allan DouglassPOEMThe ory of Relatives (after Einstein)
Collin, SharylPOEMThe Reason I Let Him In
Colon, EstebanPOEMI Almost Pmpetted Symbolism
Conroy, MaureenARTPoetry Ball Swing
Coonfield, GordonPOEMThe Avocado and the Magpie
Cooper-Fratrik, JuliePOEMFeast (The Body in Hunger)
Cooper-Fratrik, JuliePOEMCinquain of the Chairs
Cooper-Fratrik, JuliePOEMIn Cordoba
Crandall, JeffPOEMThe Absinthe Parlor
Cressio-Moeller, KellyPOEMAmong Other Things
Crew, LouiePOEMGhost Houses
Crew, LouiePOEM(Dearest Mary)
Crisafi, RosemariePOEMDays of Reckoning
Crooker, BarbaraPOEMThe Stock Market Loses Fluidity
Crooker, BarbaraPOEMSixty-Five
Crooker, BarbaraPOEMGame Day
Cross, Hannah CookPOEMCoffee with the King
Cumming, KathrynPOEMRainbow Obsidian
Dacus, RachelPOEMA Pot of Humuhumunukunukuapua'a
Daigon, RuthPOEMBack Then
Daigon, RuthPOEM"Every Herring Hangs by Its Own Head"
Dale, KathleenPOEMDiminished Things
Daley, MichaelPOEMKnow Thyself
Dalton, BethPOEMFlying Featherless
Dancing Bear, J.P.POEMSome Things About the Body
Daniels, BarbaraPOEMThe Iron Stove
Daniels, BarbaraPOEMEyes
Davis, PegPOEM.. In That Order
Davis, PegPOEMRight Here, Under the Milky Way
Day, Lucille LangPOEMThe Gambler's Daughter
Day, Lucille LangPOEMBut
Day, Lucille LangPOEMFear Of Science
de Koninck, Jessica G.POEMIonic Bonds
Deavel, ChristineESSAYBooklist (poetry notes)
Deavel, ChristinePOEMCarnal (A New Opening Into His Body)
DeCarteret, MarkPOEMWithin/Without
Deeds, KipARTMathematical Order
Deeds, KipARTBrushes with Stardom
Denonno, April A.POEMAugust [late afternoon]
Derr, Mary KranePOEMSuicidal Ideation
Derr, Mary KranePOEMMy College Education
Derr, Mary KranePOEMHow she Knows a Good Day Before She sees One
Devine, Maija RheePOEMChoke Berry Tree in Winter
DiGiorgio, EmariPOEMGimme Shelter Double Feature: Whiteout on the Tasman Saddle & Hurricane at Home
DiGiorgio, EmariPOEMProgress
Dillon, MikePOEMDepression
Dionne, Pamela MooreARTDead Heat
Dionne, Pamela MooreARTDancing Nude
Dionne, Pamela MooreARTSunlight Through Alder
Dionne, Pamela MoorePOEMDipsomaniac Sestina
Dionne, Pamela MooreARTBody Landscape
Donovan, ClivePOEMExcuse Notes
Dorman, DanPOEMTime's Drawstring
Drumhann, TrayARTWatching the Wheels
Drumhann, TrayARTIn Place
Drumhann, TrayARTPressure Drop
Drumhann, TrayARTBridge
Dubois, JeanPOEMReady . . . Set . . . Go
Duncan, Eileen WalshPOEMSunflowers
Dunkelberg, KendallPOEMThe Rain in Flanders
Dunkelberg, KendallPOEMDecember Flood
Eisenhart, GailPOEMAntique Emporium
Eklund, LauraPOEMBefore the Air Hangs in June
Ellis, R. VirgPOEMCanto 10 Somewhere in the Middle
Ellis, R. VirgPOEMCup of Coffee
Engler, Robert KleinPOEMShipwrecked on the North Atlantic - The First of February, 1826
Erickson, SusanPOEMDelightful Places to Kiss
Erickson, SusanPOEM5 by 2: Number 1
Erickson, Susan J.POEMOde to Hands
Erickson, Susan J.POEMJet Lag
Esarey, GaryPOEMA history, the marriage
Esch, JamesPOEMThe Double
Evans, JohnPOEMWaco, 1993
Evans, Mary LynnePOEMEric at Sixteen
Evans, Mary LynnePOEMPebbles
Evans, Mary LynnePOEMThe night I went fishing with Joe Davis from the Institute of Technology
Evans, Mary LynnePOEMLosing It After The Shooting
Evans, Mary LynnePOEMIn the Dark
Evans, Mary LynnePOEMEarly Spring
Evans, Mary LynnePOEMLas Dos Fridas
Fagley, KathleenPOEMThe Fire
Fein, RichardPOEMPrecise Distortions
Feins, RobertaARTNests
Feins, RobertaARTPaper Doll
Feins, RobertaARTPenguin Night
Feins, RobertaPOEMPiece of Work
Feins, RobertaPOEMA Polish Recipe
Feins, RobertaOTHERKahlo/Rivera Webliography
Feins, RobertaARTMarine Collage
Feins, RobertaESSAYEditor's Notes: Gardening in Form
Feins, RobertaARTLizard
Feins, RobertaPOEMLate
Feins, RobertaPOEMShell Mudra
Feins, RobertaARTHorses
Feins, RobertaARTGarden weave
Feins, RobertaPOEMWar, Pestilence, Famine and Bad Hair
Feins, RobertaARTSoundings
Feins, RobertaARTForest Texture
Feins, RobertaARTFlight
Feins, RobertaARTElephant Girl
Feins, RobertaARTDeco Bird
Feins, RobertaARTCrab
Feins, RobertaARTBlake
Feins, RobertaARTBear of the Sea
Feins, RobertaARTFish in a Bucket
Feins, RobertaARTSun & Moon
Feins, RobertaPOEMU.S. Map
Feins, RobertaARTWallpaper
Feins, RobertaARTStork Club
Ferraris, FredPOEMFeast Day
Field, EdwardPOEMThe Book Of My Heart
Field, SusanPOEMHunger
Fiero, AnnePOEMThe Tenderized Kingdom
Fike, RupertPOEMJuanita from Modesto
Fiset, JoanPOEMEpilogue
Fisher, BobArtHome, Forest, Cosmos
Fisher, PaulPOEMThe View from November
Fishman, CharlesPOEMBreakfast at the Lake
Flanders, RuthPOEMAbout Your Things
Flannery, Maureen TolmanPOEMA Hat of Candles
Fordon, KellyPOEMBody Farm
Foster, BrettPOEMChemo Brain
Francis, DavidARTFalse Positive
Francis, DavidARTWonder Cabinet from 'Shard' Exhibit at_x000d_
Center on Contemporary Art, Seattlele
Francis, DavidARTBox Construction (Shredded Text Roller Cage) - Prototype
Francis, DavidPOEMTransparency
Francis, DavidARTSunrise at Sea (Cape Disappointment)
Francis, DavidARTBox Construction (55 Bird Skulls)
Francis, DavidARTMemory Shutters
Francis, DavidARTBox Construction (Russian Dictionary, 1917)
Francis, DavidARTBox Construction with Mayan Biface
Francis, DavidARTBox Construction with Fish and Tube
Francis, DavidARTHabitat Enrichment
Francis, DavidARTText Box #23
Francis, DavidARTDuty Free
Francis, DavidARTThe World in Four Partitions
Francis, DavidARTFragment Generator (Pocket Model)
Francis, DavidARTText machine with hand crank and drawer
Francis, DavidARTBox Construction (Victorian Novel)
Francis, DavidARTWonder Cabinet from “Shard” Exhibit at the Center for Contemporary Art, Seattle
Francis, DavidARTPlato's Cave prototype
Francis, DavidPOEMRecoil
Franking, Ph.D., H. M.OTHERSecond-Generation Hypertext in "A Life Set for Two" (Review)
Frankston, JayPOEMThe Bus
French, JudyPOEMA Sympathy for Bones and Meat
Frith, CarolPOEMFour Clouds
Frith, CarolPOEMViburnum
Fuller, CaseyPOEMDescartes
Fuller, CaseyPOEMOn the Midwest Poet
Fuller, CaseyPOEMWaiting for the Free Play in the Park
Fuller, CaseyPOEMAfter the Poetry Reading Someone Gives Me a Plastic Sack Full of Food
Fulsaas, LindaPOEMMissed Approach
Gage, DianePOEMSic Transit: Bag Lady Blues
Gage, DianePOEMSoCal Excuse
Galasso, ScottPOEMDrum Circle
Galasso, ScottPOEMKobe
Galasso, ScottPOEMXochitl
Garcia, VanessaARTCloud Image 2
Garcia, VanessaARTCloud Image 1
Garland, RosiePOEMNight visitor
Garson, KarlPOEMIowa, From Montana
Gaskin, D.J.POEMSliced Moon
Germain, ShannaPOEMThe Accountant Gets Dressed
Gertler, Pesha JoycePOEMThe Little Matchgirl, Revisited
Gibbons, ReginaldPOEMAdmiration
Gillman, JoelPOEMTransportation Is Necessary to Experience the First Harvest
Ginsberg, ArthurPOEMThe King of Vegetables
Ginsberg, ArthurPOEMThe Bread of Affliction
Ginsberg, ArthurPOEMThe Chief Of Medicine
Ginsberg, ArthurPOEMHousecall
Ginsberg, ArthurPOEMMercator Projection
Ginsberg, ArthurPOEMThe Printshop
Ginsberg, ArthurPOEMBaseline of the Soul
Ginsberg, ArthurPOEMPlace of My Birth
Gioseffi, DanielaPOEMThe Hitler Spring
Glass, JessePOEMEvent
Frith, CarolPOEMSoftly from the Brick
Goedicke, PatriciaPOEMWhirling Dervishes II
Goldberg, KimPOEMRainmaker
Good, HowardPOEMDownturn
Goodfellow, JessicaPOEMAdvanced Alchemy
Goodland, GilesPOEMThe Structure of Dorrit
Goodwin, NormPOEMLucky Hands
Goodwin, NormPOEMOde To A Madrona Tree
Gorski, JohnPOEMOverbearing by the Bay
Gorski, JohnPOEMTwo Views of Mt Fuji
Gouveia, JoePOEMGot Any New Tattoos?
Graber, MichaelPOEMParis, Tennessee
Graham, TaylorPOEMRoots and Rot
Gray, PatriciaPOEMMapping the Human Genome
Greenmun, LindaPOEMWithout the Rain's Taut Blue Skin
Greer, JosephPOEMWalls Become Doors
Griffith, KevinPOEMDispatches from a Distant War
Grimes, Sophie S.POEMHand-Built City Scene
Grossman, AndrewPOEMRed Cabin
Gurley, JimPOEMField Guide
Gurley, JimPOEMThe 73 Octaves of Nature
Haber, Ira JoelArtTom's Peace (Detail) 1988
Haber, Ira JoelArtBotanical 2016
Haber, Ira JoelArtBotanical 2016
Haber, Ira JoelArtBright Red House 2013
Haber, Ira JoelArtFoolish Starts (Detail) 1985
Haber, Ira JoelARTPhoto
Haidri, RasmaPOEMLottery
Haidri, RasmaPOEMPalimpsest
Halperin, MarkPOEMReleasing a Bird
Hamilton, KimPOEMCandy Houses
Hamilton, KimOTHERExcerpt from Visitation
Hamilton, KimPOEMSurfacing
Hamilton, KimESSAYBiography and Artist's Statement
Hamilton, Susan E.POEMProtocol Amendment #1
Hamm, ChristinePOEMTake 23
Hanahoe-Dosch, P.POEMCurse for a Man I Traveled with...
Hanninen, Eve AnthonyPOEMThe House's Wife
Hardy, Nicole J.POEMFreely Ye Have Received, Freely Give
Hardy, TaraPOEMFrida to Diego
Harkness, EdPOEMSecond Bull Run
Harkness, EdPOEMSaying the Necessary
Harkness, EdPOEMWhy We Hike to the Duck Marsh
Harris, David M.POEMAt the Top of the Stairs
Harris, JanaESSAYIssue Introduction: Why I Can't/Didn't Come to Your Poetry Reading
Harris, JanaPOEMThe Hardest Thing
Harris, JanaESSAYNOTES on Place and Displacement: : The Other America
Harris, JanaESSAYEditor's Notes on the inception of SWITCHED-ON GUTENBERG
Harris, JanaESSAYEditor's Notes: Remembering Brie
Harris, JanaESSAYEditor's Notes
Harris, JanaESSAYEditor's Notes
Harris, JanaESSAYEditor's Notes
Harris, JanaEssayEditor's Notes
Harris, JanaESSAYEditor's Notes
Harris, JanaESSAYEditor's Notes
Harrod, Lois MariePOEMAt the Present Moment Café‚
Harrod, Lois MariePOEMNot All Our Excuses Come to Light
Harrod, Lois MariePOEMEmergency Surgery
Harrod, Lois MariePOEMThe Children Are Gone
Hatfield, BradPOEMWarming Sonnet
Healy, LorrainePOEMEaster Eggs in Buenos Aires
Healy, LorrainePOEMCalla Lilies and Skulls/La Cala y La Calavera
Hedstrom, LeonPOEMBlackbeard, AZ
Heideman, Kathleen M.POEMBroken Bone Choker
Helfgott, Esther AltshulPOEMDriving Home From Mother's House
Helfgott, Esther AltshulPOEMMy Father's Tzimmes, 1956
Hellen, KathleenPOEMWild Cherries
Hellen, KathleenPOEMDeep with the First Dead
Hemmings, KylePOEMCity of Love #2
Hess, ErrolPOEMLegless Zen Master
Highland, JenniferPOEMTaking My Measure
Hirsch, Jr., Maurice L.POEMDog Days 2
Hirshfield, JanePOEMStudying Wu Wei, Muir beach
Hopper-Estrada, MikiPOEMAbecedary Twice Plus
Hopper-Estrada, MikiPOEMMedicated
Horn, PaulPOEMA Bloody Cross Against Your Name
Hostovsky, PaulPOEMThe Anger of Anne Frank
Hostovsky, PaulPOEMBeatitude
Hostovsky, PaulPOEMThe Meteorologist's Breasts
Hovey, KatePOEMDouble Talking Pantoum
Howard-Hobson, JuleighPOEMThe Trinal Triplicities of Which Spenser Talks
Howells, AnnPOEMIt all began
Howerow, LouisaPOEMAt the Corner of Richmond & Main
Hudspeth, Dory L.POEMDéjà vu Travel Agency
Huff, QuentinPOEMI, Michelangelo, Sculptor in Rome
Huffman, A.J.ARTOminous Red
Huggins, LarryPOEMwords just waiting
Hunley, Tom C.POEMThe Card You Kept Drawing
Hunley, Tom C.POEMPoem Beginning with the Ending and Ending with the Beginning
Huotari, RobertPOEMYou Are Here
Igloria, Luisa APOEMTextual
Igloria, Luisa A.POEM28 June
Ignatow, DavidPOEMAs If
Ignatow, YaediPOEMBlackout into Sunlight
Ivy, ZanePOEMThe Mind The Brain
Jackson, James CroalPOEMMagic
Jaffe, FreddaPOEMIs That a Short-Tailed Albatross Around Your Neck
Jaffe, FreddaPOEMAnother Country
Jenks, Allison EirPOEMFabric of a Kiss
Jessup, RebeccaPOEMYour mother imagines that you talk to her
Johnny NickelsINDEXSee Scott McIntosh
Johnson, Michael LeeARTPhoto
Johnson, Michael LeeARTPhoto
Johnson, Tami M.POEMMilitary Issue: Boot, rough-out combat, tan
Johnson-Miller, BetsyPOEMConcubine
Juneau, JenniferPOEMOctober
Katz, Arlene M.ARTMoonset, Sunrise 2
Katz, Arlene M.ARTEntering into…
Katz, BrianPOEMMessage to the Person in Charge
Kaufman, ShirleyPOEMMortality
Kaushansky, LaurenPOEMFlicker
Kaushansky, LaurenPOEMInstalling Screens, Everywhere
Keefe, PriyaPOEMSigns
Keener, WilliamPOEMTaste the Heart of Darkness
Kelley, TinaPOEMBattering Robin Syndrome
Kelly, CarolPOEMLast May in Umbria
Kelly, TimothyPOEMThe Muscles Of The Face
Kelly-DeWitt, SusanPOEMBird
Kennedy, JanePOEMWriting Journal
Kennedy, KitPOEMThe Dog Ate Our html
Kerlikowske, ElizabethPOEMShe had all the answers
Kerlikowske, ElizabethPOEMA Little Like Rasputin
Kervran, JoanniePOEMDinner, Writing, with Frida Kahlo
Kessler, RuthPOEMPortrait
Kessler, RuthPOEMCarnevale
Keyes, ClairePOEMNot Fog
Kicknosway, FayeINDEXSee Morgan Blair
Kiefer, Molly SuttonPOEMUltrasound (II)
Kim, ArlenePOEMMeatloaf Night at Graceland
Kinnell, GalwayPOEMSaint Francis And The Sow
Kipness, MarkPOEMEros: Thanatos
Kirsten-Martin, DianePOEMDon't Ask
Klages, JonathanPOEMDogs Playing Poker
Klein, MichaelPOEMRooms We Didn't Live In
Kleinberg, J.I.POEMMirror Time
Knapmiller, NikolPOEMThe Childhood of a Future Writer
Kostelanetz, RichardPOEMGetting Laid in Manhattan (Downtown)
Kraman, CynthiaPOEMHow Poetry Began
Kraman, CynthiaPOEMRainbow Over New Brunswick
Krieg, CarolineARTSophrosyne
Krieg, CarolineARTQuick Fire
Krieg, CarolineARTHelianthus
Krieg, CarolineARTEggjas
Krieg, CarolineARTPhilomel
Krieg, CarolineARTQuerido
Krieg, CarolineARTFugue
Krieg, CarolineARTLacunae
Krieg, CarolineARTTucano
Krieg, CarolineARTAsylum
Krieg, CarolineARTA Full Woman's Word
Krieg, CarolineARTExcerpt from Visitation
Krieg, CarolineARTBlown From The Heart Up
Krieg, CarolineARTCork Oak Bend
Krieg, CarolineARTHT Unwrap
Krieg, CarolineARTKharakter
Krieg, CarolineARTHeaven and Earth
Krieg, CarolineARTAgate Blue Eye
Krumberger, JohnPOEMAdvent North Minneapolis
Krumberger, JohnPOEMCrow
Krumberger, JohnPOEMA Day Like That
Krupitsky, NaomiPOEMMorning After
Kubik, VictorARTTitle Page Photograph (Gutenberg Café‚)
Kumin, MaxinePOEMConnecting The Dots
Ladd, MaryPOEMOrgasmic Orange
Lagier, JenniferPOEMThe Liberation of Madness
Lagier, JenniferPOEMStaved Lucidity
Lamm, Sarah B.ARTPhoto
LaMorticella, BarbaraARTCloud Sweep Johnson Road
LaMorticella, BarbaraARTClouds over Rt. 30 (St Helens Road)
LaMorticella, BarbaraARTSunset Horse
Lamothe, LoriPOEMKirlian Effect
Lance, JeannePOEMThe End
Lance, JeannePOEMSoundings
Landis, Geoffrey A.ARTUntitled
Landis, Geoffrey A.ARTPhoto
Landsman, PeggyPOEMThe Joys of Noshing
Lantry, W.F.POEMColumbina
Lantz, NicolasPOEMToo Many, Too Few
Lanzetta, AliPOEMdear,
Lappen, AlyssaPOEMMoonshadows
Larkin, JoanPOEMOrigins
Larkins, Amasa GuyPOEMCute, Fast Girl
Lavin, Stuart R.POEMBlue 71/Marshland
Lawry, MercedesPOEMIn Concert with Yearning
Lawry, MercedesPOEMAn Emphasis on Perseverance
Lawry, MercedesPOEMBig Tomato
Lawry, MercedesPOEMFoster Care
Lawry, MercedesPOEMFrida in Pain #1/Frida in Pain #3
Lawry, MercedesPOEMThe Hill
Lawry, MercedesPOEMLibrary Books
Lawry, MercedesPOEMPoles Apart
Lawry, MercedesPOEMSober
Lawry, MercedesPOEMSome Guy
Lawry, MercedesPOEMSuch Reds
Lawry, MercedesPOEMUnto Dust
Lawry, MercedesPOEMWhen is it luck? When is it accident?
Lawson, ValeriePOEMExchange Rate
Lebentritt, Julia SotoPOEMMother and Father
Lebentritt, Julia SotoPOEMOde to a Yellow Fire Hydrant
Lee, Mary Hope WhiteheadPOEMOmeyoti: divine duality
Lefer, DianeARTLight Pole Clouds
Lenox, KellyPOEMIncrements
Levin, CarolPOEMBeyond Question
Levine, Judith KatzPOEMLiving with Ratfinder
Lewis, IssaPOEMWater Street
Lewis, JoelPOEMThe Audible Suburbs
Lewis, Marilyn MashburnPOEMDepression
Lewis, Marilyn MashburnPOEMJourney to Yelapa
Lewis, Marilyn MashburnPOEMMiddle Age
Lewis, Marilyn MashburnPOEMSalem
Lier, SaraPOEMThis is the Kind of Moon
Lietz, ChadPOEM(Coral hotel room)
Lietz, RobertPOEMWatching the River Flow
Lindley, RobinARTFrida Kahlo
Lindley, RobinPOEMInland Empire
Lindley, RobinARTLeon Trotsky
Lindley, RobinARTGutenberg
Lindley, RobinPOEMFrom a Town Near an Ocean
Lindley, RobinPOEMLandlocked People Often Dream the Sea
Lindley, RobinPOEMFather's Day
Lindley, RobinARTGutenberg
Lindley, RobinPOEMStars Begin With Collapse
Lindley, RobinPOEMRivera's Age of Industry, Detroit, 1932
Lindley, RobinPOEMPrivate Room
Lindley, RobinARTDiego Rivera
Lipkin, EllinePOEMMy Parents Meet at La Grande Place
Littlefield, SusanPOEMThe Reign Of Kai
Locke, CarolynPOEMCrows
Locke, CarolynPOEMA Reckoning
Lockie, EllaraineARTUntitled
Lopez, CristinaPOEMThat Hunger
Lord, FrederickPOEMIn This City of Hermits
Lord, TedPOEMIn the Pink
Lord, TedPOEMAfter School on a Thursday
Lord, TedPOEMThe Cock ring at the airport...
Lord, TedPOEMPaying Dues
Lord, TedPOEMLetter To Your Seratonin
Lord, TedPOEMIn Time
LoSchiavo, LindaAnnPOEMIntroduction – No Escape Clause
Losi, CarolPOEMCar Doors
Loudon, RebeccaPOEMComfort Food
Loudon, RebeccaPOEMBlue Pill
Luciana, JamesARTLeon Trotsky
Luciana, JamesARTPhoto
Lukasik, GailPOEMForget-me-not
Luman, DouglasPOEMThe shrubs resembled pale companions…
Luman, DouglasPOEMDistant stars overhand pile of rubbish…
Lydick, KellyPOEMInnards
Lydick, KellyPOEMPine, Arizona
Lynn, Joanne BarriePOEMBoxes, Locked and Found
Lynn, Joanne BarriePOEMMaggots
Lynn, Joanne BarriePOEMThe Man Who
Lynn, Joanne BarriePOEMSinging Bird Woman
MacDonald, IainPOEMBargain
Machan, KatharynPOEMBidding At The Auction
Machan, KatharynPOEMAnon
Machan, KatharynPOEMRoxbury, 1956
Machan, KatharynPOEMEscape
Mackey, MaryPOEMBlue
Mackey, MaryPOEMNet Surfing 2:00 A.M. (Audio)
Mackey, MaryPOEMThe Breakfast Nook
MacLennan, AmyPOEMEnough
Mae Reese, RitaPOEMAuto Life Fire
Maiers, JoanPOEMSeven-Year Etchings
Maiers, JoanPOEMPhosphorous
Malaviya, ShikhaPOEMHindu
Malnack, LindaARTLive or Die
Malnack, LindaARTMap (front)
Malnack, LindaARTPerturbation
Malnack, LindaARTPioneer
Malnack, LindaARTPrague
Malnack, LindaARTRenaissance Girl
Malnack, LindaARTLift Coefficient
Malnack, LindaARTWeave 2
Malnack, LindaARTWeave 3
Malnack, LindaARTMap (back)
Malnack, LindaPOEMRepetition Is A Kind Of Rhyme
Malnack, LindaARTSign Here
Malnack, LindaARTSnow Theory
Malnack, LindaARTSunken Treasure
Malnack, LindaARTVictoriana
Malnack, LindaARTWarrior
Malnack, LindaARTWeave 1
Malnack, LindaARTWeave 4
Malnack, LindaESSAYEditors' Notes - Poems of Place & Displacement
Malnack, LindaARTDancing
Malnack, LindaARTParadigm
Malnack, LindaESSAYEditor's Introduction
Malnack, LindaARTLeda
Malnack, LindaARTFloating
Malnack, LindaARTForever and Ever
Malnack, LindaESSAYThe Poetics of Space: Intimate Immensities
Malnack, LindaARTGutenberg
Malnack, LindaARTThe Cove
Malnack, LindaPOEMThe Inertia of a Body Depends Upon Its Energy-Content
Malnack, LindaARTDoor/Mouse
Malnack, LindaPOEMBeachcomber Island (Fiji, 1985)
Malnack, LindaARTHand
Malnack, LindaARTBlue Muse
Malnack, LindaARTBlue Shift
Mankerian, ShahePOEMSona's Son
Manley, C.R.POEMOverboard
Mannone, John C.POEMWindows
Manrique, JaimePOEMMy Night with Federico Garcia Lorca
Manwaring, Marjorie L.POEMA rach nid
Manwaring, Marjorie L.POEMmussels and mangoes
Manwaring, Marjorie L.POEMGreetings from the Dead Poets’ Convention
Marcus, MartinPOEMWhile You Were Out
Marshall, JackPOEMSmile On A Skull
Marshall, John W.ESSAYPoetry as Life-Saver and I don't mean Candy: Report from the Poetry Frontier
Marshall, John W.ESSAYHow Many Syllables Are There in Leotard? A Report from the Poetry Frontier
Marshall, John W.ESSAYThe Dead Shoplifter: A Report From the Poetry Frontier
Marshall, John W.ESSAYBooklist (poetry book reviews)
Marshall, John W.POEMBackyard Nuthatch Active
Mazza, JoanPOEMWhy I Can't Be There
Mazza, JoanPOEMPet Excuses
McCabe, MarilynPOEMWe the People
McCarthy, JulianaPOEMAsylum 1
McCarthy, JuliannaPOEMEvent Report
McCarthy, JuliannaPOEMUnfinished Sympathy
McDonough, J.L.POEMRequiem in Blue
McDonough, MikePOEMThe Power of Maps
McFarland, GerryPOEMSelf-portrait
McFarland, JohnPOEMFrida in Detroit
McGee, MollyPOEM"E cantou a cantiga do Infinito numa capoeira"
McGee, MollyPOEM"Sempre uma coisa defronte da outra"
McHugh, HeatherPOEMFigurativeLeaf
McIntosh, ScottPOEMA Cat Named Pig
McIntosh, ScottPOEMBut I Know What I Like
McKain, MarkPOEMArtichoke Beach, California
Mead, StephenPOEMVincent
Mead, StephenARTGloria
Mead, StephenARTSelkirk skies 2
Mead, StephenPOEMThis Year's Model
Merrifield, Karla LinnPOEMStone. Stone. Memory
Merrifield, Karla LinnPOEM1972 Barracks Lane, Before and After
Mersereau, SusanPOEMThe Dinner Party
Mersereau, SusanPOEMUnplugged
Meyers, LindaPOEMPeace for All Living Things on Earth
Meyers, Linda CurtisPOEMThe Apple Eater
Milburn, LloydPOEMOrigin
Miller, KevinPOEMLast Attempt to Heal Catherine Moran
Miller, KevinPOEMIn Johanna's Corner
Milosevic, MarioPOEMWorld Traveler
Miltner, RoberPOEMPassing Interest
Mintz, Gwendolyn JoyceARTFire Clouds
Mintz, Gwendolyn JoyceARTClouds & Light #4
Mintz, Gwendolyn JoyceARTBalance
Mitchell, FeliciaPOEMHousehold Magic
Mitchell, NoraPOEMWhy Horses Sleep Standing Up
Monaghan, PatriciaPOEMPhysics Exam Answer Sheet
Montgomery, JennyPOEMA Few Pointers
Moore, GeorgePOEMLost Virginity
Moore, GeorgePOEMPoem While the Market Crashes
Moore, Julie L.POEMBackfire
Moore, Julie L.POEMVoice
Morris, WildaPOEMA Dog's Life
Morrison, KathiPOEMSelf-portrait Boston, 1994
Moss, CatherinePOEMPolar Regions
Mullen, KayPOEMChristine Falls
Mullen, KayPOEMGhetto Cemetery
Mullen, KayPOEMNo Ordinary Sleep
Mullen, KayPOEMSelf-portrait Very Angry
Munoz, CharlesPOEMThe Bull and the Angel
Munro, PeterPOEMLetter to Myself, Bahia Des Los Muertes
Murphy, BrianPOEMSlimming without Pills
Mustin, BobPOEMThe Fall Line
Myhr, ElizabethPOEMThe Dangerous One
Nathan, DougPOEMThe Rabbis Debate
Nelson, JoPOEMDinosaur Monument
Nelson, JoPOEMEn Comienzo
Nelson, JoPOEMPhantasiestuck
Nelson, JoPOEMSeer
Nelson, KathyPOEMPanic
Nelson, KellyPOEMAttempted
Nelson, KellyARTCloud 3
Nelson, RodneyPOEMDeflection
Neuberg, KarenPOEMSee How Sky Falls
Newman, MarkPOEMNear the Algonquin
Newman, MarkPOEMLast Colors
Newman, MarkPOEMArtifact Kahlo
Nightingale, BarbraPOEMAfter the Storm
Nightingale, BarbraARTPictures taken on 7 Mile Bridge 2
Norris, LisaPOEMRetirement
O’Mara, Michael MackinPOEMIn Your Global Warming Dream
Oates, Joyce CarolPOEMGlimpsed from a Car, Quickly Passing
Oates, Joyce CarolPOEMThe Lord Is My Shepherd I Shall Not Want
Oates, Joyce CarolPOEMNostalgia
Oberkher, Charles H.POEMSurf Clam
O'Brien, ElizabethPOEMWhen I Get Turned Down for the Job of Poet
O'Brien, ElizabethPOEMVariation On An Old Theme
Odam, JoycePOEMThe Blanket
Oet, JacobPOEMClay
O'Keefe (Faber), SherryPOEMA woman standing by the stone wall
Oleck, LorettaARTBig Sky
Orr, CyanPOEMMetacognition
Ortiz, LisaPOEMMaybe in My Neighbor's House
Ortiz, SergioPOEMFifteen to Eighteen
Ostriker, AliciaPOEMBerkeley: Youth And Age
Ostriker, AliciaPOEMThe Old Woman and the River
Ostriker, AliciaPOEMCretan Interlude: Lassithi Plateau
Ostriker, AliciaPOEMMay First
Owens, JamesPOEMMigration
Pacosz, ChristinaPOEMA Bit of Tropic Outside the Delta Shoprite
Pacosz, ChristinaPOEMThe Earth Writes a Poem While We Watch
Palmer, CarlPOEMFamily Values
Panicker, Vidya S.POEMThe Rapist Justifies
Pappas, TheresaPOEMPicture Postcard
Parker, Mary ElizabethPOEMTaste
Patton, LeePOEMHoly Week in the Mojave
Payne, LaraPOEM6 Months Museum
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTSoft Coral
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranches
Pearson, MaryARTSea Squirt
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTSoft Coral
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTSea Squirt
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTAnemone
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTNudibranch
Pearson, MaryARTAnemone
Pence, AmyPOEMFix
Pence, AmyPOEMOde to the Extinguished Self
Pereira, PeterPOEMDouble Magnolia
Perice, Glen A.POEMGulf War Syndrome
Petrov, NuraARTChairs
Petrov, NuraARTFallen Sunflowers
Petty, OodPOEMWinter Retreat II and III
Petty, OodPOEMWinter Retreat II and III
Pfingston, RogerPOEMAfter Yesterday's Storm
Pfingston, RogerARTClimbing Clouds
Pfingston, RogerARTVertical Cloud
Phillips, LouisPOEMRevised Penal Law
Phillips, RobertPOEMHouston Haiku
Phillips, RobertPOEMWhat's The Point?
Piercy, MargePOEMThe Promotion
Pilgrim, TimothyPOEMLit exam
Platt, JohnPOEMInside Out
Platt, John L.POEMTo Frida Kahlo
Plotkin, BrucePOEMPrayer of The Sow
Pollack, Sylvia ByrnePOEMMeditation Instructions
Pope, GeoffPOEMused car lot sign
Popolis, Jennifer GomolINDEXSee Jen Zafar
Porad, FrancinePOEMReady . . . Set . . . Go
Potter, Adrian S.POEMAccident Prone
Potter, Adrian S.POEMAfter the Funeral
Potter, Adrian S.POEMA Partial Inventory of Personal Excuses
Potter, Adrian S.POEMReporting Live from Portmanteaupia
Potter, CarolPOEMDoes That White Seem Cold?
Powell, JosephPOEMMy Father's House
Powers, JenniferPOEMDream Hemorrhage
Poyner, KenPOEMThe North American Spotted Weather Troll
Prewitt, ChrisPOEMPutting on a Cardigan at Midnight
Puhak, ShelleyPOEMThe Regulars
Pusateri, ChrisPOEMErrata
Putnam, ClaudiaPOEMRough Night
Putnam, ClaudiaPOEMWhile Butch Robs Trains
Radaikin, NorinePOEMGeneration
Rajendran, AjaPOEMPreparing Wine
Rammelkamp, CharlesPOEMDrinking Saved My Life
Rammelkamp, CharlesPOEMFiesta
Randall, JessyPOEMThe Seductiveness of the Memory Hole
Ranzoni, PatriciaPOEMPresent
Rapant, LarryPOEMLetter to God #2
Rapant, LarryPOEMLowku
Rapant, LarryPOEMLetter to God #1
Rasnake, SamPOEMLove Poem with Eyebrow
Ratner, RochellePOEMLast Week
Ratner, RochellePOEMNeighbor complains snorer violates city noise ordinance
Rea, DavePOEMBlacker Black
Redman, NinaPOEMSplit Cedar
Reichard, WilliamPOEMSlipping
Reichard, WilliamPOEMLate in the Season
Reimer, JenniferPOEMMarkmandsgade 21, Kobenhavn S
Renfrow, MilliePOEMA Lewis Carroll Carol
Renfrow, MilliePOEMHorror Film
Rice, StanPOEMErotic Fantasy
Rickett, S.W.POEMMapping
Ringer, DarbyPOEMPostcard from the Scenic Café
Roberts, KimPOEMSt. Anthony Preaching to the Fish
Roberts, KimPOEMSacrifice
Rocco, RichardPOEMSunday Paper
Roedell, KristinPOEMFifteen and Fifty
Rogers, Brando J.POEMPelona
Rogow, ZackPOEMIf Wordsworth Were Alive Today
Rogow, ZackPOEMA Letter from George Sand
Rogow, ZackPOEMCharged Particles: An E-mail
Rolland, Rebecca GivensPOEMStatus Report
Root, William PittPOEMThe Old Hand
Ross, CissyPOEMDistances: A Bumper-Car Exchange
Ross, Joan StuartARTCell and Fruit I
Ross, Joan StuartARTLa France
Ross, Joan StuartARTI am Still a Lake
Ross, Joan StuartARTHead XI
Ross, Joan StuartARTEight Boats
Ross, Joan StuartARTDescent
Ross, Joan StuartARTCouple
Ross, Joan StuartARTCheckered Past
Ross, Joan StuartARTChart of the Southern Clime
Ross, Joan StuartARTLittle Peach I
Ross, Joan StuartARTCell and Fruit IV
Ross, Joan StuartARTLittle Peach II
Ross, Joan StuartARTCell and Fruit
Ross, Joan StuartARTCelestial Dome
Ross, Joan StuartPOEMCantaloupe
Ross, Joan StuartPOEMBroken Wing
Ross, Joan StuartARTAccessCode
Ross, Joan StuartPOEMAccess Code
Ross, Joan StuartARTChambered Morsels
Ross, Joan StuartARTSign
Ross, Joan StuartARTArabesque I
Ross, Joan StuartARTWord Boat
Ross, Joan StuartARTWing/Leaf/Tree
Ross, Joan StuartARTWhite Poem (detail)
Ross, Joan StuartARTWhite Poem
Ross, Joan StuartARTWheel
Ross, Joan StuartARTWater and Wood
Ross, Joan StuartARTWall Map Diptych (left panel)
Ross, Joan StuartARTTexta, Textae
Ross, Joan StuartPOEMTender Lift of Lint
Ross, Joan StuartARTLifeline
Ross, Joan StuartARTSognfjord (Detail)
Ross, Joan StuartARTEvening Fan II
Ross, Joan StuartARTRiver I
Ross, Joan StuartARTRed Hill
Ross, Joan StuartARTPulsar, Pulsare
Ross, Joan StuartPOEMPrince of Darkness
Ross, Joan StuartARTOn the Beach I
Ross, Joan StuartARTMask & Sea II
Ross, Joan StuartARTMap/Roma
Ross, Joan StuartARTMap/Firenze II
Ross, Joan StuartARTMap/Firenze
Ross, Joan StuartARTMap I
Ross, Joan StuartARTLoop
Ross, Joan StuartARTSoul on Stones IV
Ross, Joan StuartARTHeaven and Earth I
Ross, WilliamARTTime Lapse: Mazama Washington
Rouskas, BasilPOEMKanellos
Roy, JudePOEMMama's Gumbo
Roy, SankarPOEMHistory of a Nation
Roy, SankarPOEMElegy for Darkness
Royce, LindseyPOEMPhoto Of My Father At Twelve
Royce, LindseyPOEMOn This Day Of Protest, I Want to Take to My Bed
Ruiz, CathyPOEMLone Egret
Sailer, SusanPOEMAseel Turned Away at Airport Gate
Sailer, SusanPOEMThese heavy bodies our machines,
Sailer, SusanPOEMwhen I was a child, I prayed nightly
Sanders, ToddPOEMA Physics Lesson
Sangster, JohnPOEMWhat He Wouldn't Be Thinking About
Scandiffio, JoAnnaPOEMSpin
Scandiffio, JoAnnaPOEMFlaubert’s Furniture Arrangements
Scarfone, SuzannePOEMEveryone Is Gone
Schardt, MeganPOEMsthira sukha asanam
Schein, Lorraine SPOEMIn the Luck Factory
Schoene, BrowniePOEMWitness to History
Schoene, BrowniePOEMEquilibrium Of Things
Schoene, BrowniePOEMAlki Cafe
Scholl, SharonPOEMHuman
Schott, PenelopePOEMCommunications at Sea
Schott, PenelopePOEMConfession with Interpolations by the Persian Poet Rumi
Schroeder, AmyPOEMHomesick
Schulak, NikkiPOEMThe Farther Away You Are, The Smaller You'll Appear (lb -36)
Schumann, TinaPOEMBad Weather Romance
Schwartz, CarlaPOEMBlack Trumpets
Scism, ElizabethPOEMPostcard from Taos, New Mexico
Scott, JennyPOEMJust Another Over-Easy Two-Step Sizzle
Sellman, Tamara KayePOEMImmortality
Serkes, Scott ReidPOEMKnowledge of the Elements
Seter, DavePOEMThe Wakeful
Seter, DavePOEMBlueprint to Build a Safe Harbor
Severance, EmilyPOEMMobility
Shapiro, LynnePOEMMy Life at the Movies
Sharon, RevaARTIbex in Judean Desert
Sharon, RevaARTTristram's Grackles
Sharon, RevaARTWindflowers
Sheard, NormaPOEMDeer Isle Winter
Sheehan, MarcPOEMThe Kitchen
Sheffield, DerekPOEMRemember the Incredible
Sheffield, DerekPOEMCrossings
Shelleda, LeahPOEMMusic for the Art of Magic
Shortt, DavePOEMIn the Youth of Swedenborg
Shovan, LauraPOEMPeter Rabbit
Shulklapper, Lucille GangPOEMCat Remains are Found
Sickels, NoellePOEMEating Artichokes
Siebers, JillPOEMWeatherboy
Sigler, KristinaPOEMFaint Memory of a Monk Losing His Faith
Silano, MarthaPOEMSuch a Way to Go
Silano, MarthaPOEMThe Table of Losses
Simpson, ScottPOEMAmerico
Skeens, RufusPOEMThe Price
Skeens, RufusPOEMHoneysuckle
Skillman, JudithPOEMClosed Head Injury
Skillman, JudithPOEMChildhood Montage with Liquid Nitrogen
Skillman, JudithPOEMThirst
Skillman, JudithPOEMLa Jolla de Mismaloya
Skillman, JudithPOEMThe Deeps
Slaton, Catherine SutthoffPOEMZoe, Leaving
Slaughter, WilliamPOEMSky Burial
Slaymaker, BobPOEMApprenticeship
Smith, JohnPOEMAddress
Snow, Jan C.POEMThe Question was Where have you been?
Snyder, LauraPOEMDelusions
Snyder, LauraPOEMCrossing Winter Snow
Snyder, LauraPOEMOde to Range Cows - 2nd movement
Snyder, LauraARTArtichoke
Snyder, LauraPOEMAfter a Right Mastectomy
Snyder, LauraPOEMStill in Madagascar after Chemotherapy
Snyder, LauraPOEMRed-tailed Hawk
Snyder, LauraPOEMFrida Practices
Solonche, JoelPOEMDialogue with a Dead Beaver
Soto, ArmandoARTOde to a Yellow Fire Hydrant
Soto, ArmandoARTMother and Father
Spacks, BarryPOEMPosition Paper
Spacks, BarryPOEMDistances: A Bumper-Car Exchange
Spaulding-Convy, AnnettePOEMCity of Saint Francis in Motion
Spaulding-Convy, AnnettePOEMHorse Latitudes
Speck-Lesh, ScottPOEMThe Imposter
Spiers, AnnPOEMTo Frida
Stamatakis, MatinaPOEMThe Greatest Minds
Stamatakis, MatinaPOEMParasitic
Stamatakis, MatinaPOEMIncantations
Stangeland, JoanniePOEMUnder Darkness
Stangeland, JoanniePOEMWhile We Picked out Paint Chips
Starkey, DavidPOEMLapin Kulta
Starkey, DavidPOEMSuper Spar
Stella, JenniferPOEMDoing Rounds Alone at Six AM
Stephenson, ShelbyPOEMCOUNTRY (excerpt)
Stifler, BillPOEMThe Tao Te Doughnut
Stoller, NecaPOEMSoldier,Peasant and Worker
Stone, CarolePOEMWinter Palace, St. Petersburg
Straus, Marc J.POEMIn the 25th Year of My Grandmother's Death
Such, GeorgePOEMAngkor Massage
Sukach, MikePOEMA Day in the Life
Sullivan, TheaPOEMElegy For My Mother's Breasts
Sunde, CarolPOEMFor I Consider my Walt a Cool Cat
Sutherland, DavidPOEMInkspots and Assorted Patterns
Swartz, StephenPOEMShe spoke of
Sweet, M. AnnePOEMThe Unfound Door
Swenson, PatPOEMFaith
Swenson, PatPOEMCliff Swallows
Swenson, PatPOEMLiving Things
Swift, JoanPOEMNorma Jeane: The Deer
Swint, ChristinePOEMDependent Co-arising
Sydow, BrucePOEMHow Great Thou Art
Sykes, RoycePOEM40 Out Past Wentzville
Talley, Mary EllenPOEMPhases of the Seven Moons
Talley, Mary EllenPOEMInference
Tanoury, DougPOEMJacob
Tanoury, DougPOEMSleepwalking
Taylor, AlessandraPOEMHunger
Taylor, BrucePOEMExercise #1
Taylor, Thomas LowePOEMI Raspitunate
Terris, SusanPOEMMistress Melody Brown, 1898
Terris, SusanPOEMEmergency
Terris, SusanPOEMSensory System of Navigation
Terris, SusanPOEMFugue State
Terris, SusanPOEMThe Sound of Your Mother Chewing
Terris, VirginiaPOEMWaves
Terry, Mary McMillanPOEMMonet's Low Tide at Varengeville
Thacker, Larry D.POEMIdling
Thalman, MarkPOEMAfter His Golden Retriever Died
Thomas, Barbara LPOEMAlways Careful Potatoes Do Not Touch...
Thomas, Barbara LPOEMAmenities
Thomas, Barbara LPOEMWhat Milliner Bedecks the Maple?
Thornlyre, PadmaPOEMMavka #29
Tisdale, JamesPOEMMade for Television
Tisdale, James OliverPOEMThank-you Notes
Todorovich, K. K.POEMThe Beheading of John the Baptist
Todorovich, K. K.POEMDear Diego
Todorovich, K. K.POEMGrowing Walla Walla Sweets
Todorovich, K. K.POEMJin
Todorovich, K. K.POEMPangs of Art
Travelstead, JonathanPOEMOlive Branch
Trommer, Rosemerry WahtolaPOEMwhat a woman wants
Tuch, GailPOEMSadie's Shards
Turner, AlisonPOEMWhat it Feels Like
Turner, KenPOEMThe Body Makes Noise
Turner, PriscillaPOEMHow I Found And Lost Paradise
Tyack, S. AlicePOEMThis Year's Christmas Cake
Udall, JayPOEMThe Old Woman and the Gray Cat
Umans, LindaPOEMCockatoo
Umans, LindaPOEMThe Roost
Vaknin, SamPOEMCutting to Existence
van Stelten, RosaleePOEMSacramento morning
Van Zant, FrankPOEMIt's 1968
Vernon, BillPOEMEvening Scene
Wagner, JeannePOEMThe Cruelest Month
Wagner, JeannePOEMThe Falling Man
Waidtlow, Donna JPOEMThe Bride Frightened at Seeing Life Open
Waidtlow, Donna JPOEMThe Invention of Time
Waidtlow, Donna JESSAYCo-editor's Notes
Waidtlow, Donna JPOEMChicken Feathers
Waidtlow, Donna JPOEMThe City-Girl Learns About Meat
Waldstein, GailPOEMBotanic Garden Silence
Waldstein, GailPOEMHypnogagic Love
Wallace, JanPOEMAdagio
Walsh, BrendanPOEMMarch Morning Recalling Masan, South Korea
Walsh-Boyd, LizPOEMRemedy for Sorrow I, II, & III
Walsh-Boyd, LizPOEMThe Semi-Haiku of Fridamania
Walsh-Boyd, LizPOEMIndex: Kahlo, Frida
Walsh-Boyd, LizPOEMArtist Awash in Reds
Walsh-Boyd, LizPOEMThe Mailman And The Master
Walsh-Boyd, LizPOEMMother to Daughter/II. Daughter to Mother
Wanner, IrenePOEMFace Value
Wanner, IrenePOEMFrida's Palette
Webb, RobertPOEMThe Art of Oppression
Weinberger, FlorencePOEMCould I Stay Alone for a Month
Werstein, EdPOEMHandball Elder
Westley, JudithPOEMUrban Spring
White, AlexisNOTEOn the Surface, Flashing
White, MikePOEMTime Pieces
White, MikePOEMTentacled Motherfucker
White, MikePOEMOuter Space
White, MikePOEMBasho, Glimpsed
White, MikePOEMGrave
Wiggerman, ScottPOEMInsurance
Wiggerman, ScottPOEMGood Fortunes
Wiggerman, ScottPOEMStrike: Variations on Ten Words
Willadson, Shari DianePOEM1017 River Road
Williams, Dorothy J.POEMThe Miqva in Besalu, Spain
Williams, GeraldPOEMEye See
Wilson, AliciaPOEMPart of You
Winfield, RobertPOEMdrinking problem
Winters, PamPOEMBody Music
Wolfe, J. KevinPOEMLiberty Had Che Guevara in a Headlock
Woodard, DeborahPOEMAfter the Centaur Lecture
Woodard, DeborahPOEMGlue
Woods, ChristopherArtAwaiting Your Touch
Woods, ChristopherArtDoorway, Rock House
Woods, ChristopherArtTree Nest
Woods, ChristopherArtAbandoned Hearth
Woodward, DavidPOEMRubicon
Woodworth, Anne HardingPOEMPrague’s Children
Wooldridge, Mishon A.POEMAnatomy
Woolfitt, William KellyPOEMSimon Rodia Builds the East Tower of Nuestro Puebloto Honor His Brother Killed in a Mine Explosion
Wozek, GeraldPOEMWhere I Come From--
Wright, LeilaniPOEMThe Dissolution
Yeasting, J. E.POEMSequence, Experiments
Young, Melissa ScholesPOEMSafety
Zafar, JenPOEMChez Gretel
Zawinski, AndrenaPOEMWe Have Traveled Here
Zeppa, MaryPOEMZen, she says
Zeppa, MaryPOEMBlessing what's yet to be lost
Zeppa, MaryPOEMLiselotte's Favor and Grace
Zeppa, MaryPOEMBreaking my fast after fever
Zhicheng-Mingdé, Desmond KonPOEMA place map and the tanka of time
Ziel, CarolynARTCatalina Morning
Zimetwatch, Kristin CamittaPOEMPortrait of Paolo