Preparing introductory remarks
For him, this world-renowned, well-published Brit,
Who has consented to appear tonight.
His usual fee pre-paid, he embarked,
Possessor of the longest bio bits
Deliberately leaving out his wife.
This curious omission — is it mine
To rectify? Most hostesses ignore
Details he fails to underscore. Should I?
His popularity draws waiting lines.
His works attracted praise — though sales did soar
Amid the headlines of her suicide.
In sisterhood I’d take her side. Besides
This audience expects it. Recognize
You won’t escape tonight. You who supplied
Booksellers with bestsellers cast aside
Two specific words — her name. We’re stateside,
In Boston. Inconvenient truth won’t hide.
Iambic syllables will block your path,
Will greet your ears — your bride, Sylvia Plath.
Copyright 2015, LindaAnn LoSchiavo
Native New Yorker LindaAnn LoSchiavo is a busy dramatist, journalist, poet, and theatre critic. Her suspense drama, “A Worthie Woman All Hir Live,” will be filmed in 2015. Her poems have popped up in Measure, Mused, Snakeskin, tnr, Rollick Magazine, etc. She’s tried her best to be Google-worthy.